Coronado Air Conditioning and Heating Services

Coronado Air Conditioning and Heating Services

HVAC Services in Coronado by Arctic Air

Homeowners can sometimes experience the unexpected breakdown of their HVAC appliance, but with an annual maintenance agreement, the chances of your system breaking down when you least expect it is significantly reduced. Contact us for AC repair Poway today!

The HVAC repair specialist will inspect your system for faults during each maintenance visit, catching them before they become costly problems.

Reasons to Service Your HVAC System Regularly

  • Energy Efficiency: A well-maintained HVAC system consumes less energy to function. Preventive maintenance includes lubricating all moving parts and cleaning drain pans and tubing. Cleaning or changing the filter ensures that air flows freely throughout the system, saving up to 15% on energy costs.
  • Prolong the Unit’s Life: Coils and fins become coated with dust and dirt over time, reducing the unit’s lifespan. The dirty coils and fins obstruct airflow, causing the unit to work harder and wear out faster. Airflow is essential for efficiency.
  • Reduce the Number of Breakdowns: Regular maintenance by a trained HVAC company will detect minor issues before they become major. Filters should be changed regularly, electrical connections should be tightened, and the device should cycle on and off correctly.
  • Affordable Utility Bills: Cleaning the burners and inspecting the ignition system on gas furnaces can help fuel burn more efficiently. Poorly maintained systems might consume up to 20% more energy. The right amount of refrigerant improves efficiency. Using less energy reduces utility bills, allowing you to retain more of your hard-earned cash in your pocket.

HVAC Maintenance Checklist

To keep the heating and air conditioning system in good working order, the HVAC specialist should do the following:

  • The right amount of refrigerant
  • Seal duct leaks
  • Airflow should be measured
  • The oiling of motors
  • Check for refrigerant leaks.
  • Clean and tighten connections
  • Check the thermostat

HVAC Issues That Are Commonly Encountered

  • Refrigerant Leak: A trained technician from Coronado air conditioning and heating services will repair any leaks and then charge the system with the proper amount of refrigerant. Remember that your device’s performance and efficiency are best when the refrigerant charge meets the manufacturer’s specifications.
  • Inadequate Maintenance: If you let your air conditioner’s filters and coils get unclean, it won’t perform correctly, and the compressor or fans will likely fail prematurely.
  • Electric Control Failure: Compressor and fan controls might wear out, especially if the air conditioner is turned on and off repeatedly when a system is oversized.
  • Sensor Issues: A thermostat sensor is positioned beneath the control panel on room air conditioners and senses the evaporator coil’s air temperature. Adjust the position of the sensor by carefully bending the wire that keeps it in place near the coil but not touching it.
  • Drainage Issues: When humid outside, check the condensate drain to ensure it’s not clogged and draining correctly. If the air conditioner in your room isn’t leveled, it won’t drain properly.


You can trust Arctic Air to keep your HVAC system running well. By contacting a professional, you will be able to identify any potential issues and receive recommendations for remedies that will save your family money. Call Arctic Air for AC installation Poway, CA to know more about Coronado air conditioning and heating services.